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Dont’t Let These 5 Study Abroad Myths Stop You!
Here are a few pointers to keep in mind when you apply for an education loan.
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We get it. The notion of studying abroad can be daunting. The thought of being flung into a foreign country with no support and worrying about how to fit in when you don’t have a place or people to call your own can be scary. We don’t want to minimise your concerns, but they’re not as much of a roadblock as they’re made out to be!

1. I’ll always feel like a stranger

You may start out that way, but so will many of your fellow students. Universities are melting pots where everyone is simultaneously out of place and right where they belong. Like you, everyone is there to learn, and that learning goes beyond the classroom and into the world around you. Think of it as an invaluable opportunity. Treat the strangeness as an exciting adventure, and immerse yourself in the local life. Before you realise it, you won’t be a stranger anymore!

2. I’ll have to figure everything out myself

Don’t worry, you won’t! Universities usually make it a point to create a supportive environment to help students find their place, and community. Orientation programmes and activities will be held to help you get your footing. Yes, you will miss the friends and family you left back home, but think of this as a chance to make new ones!

3. Study abroad is not necessary to get a job

That may be true, however it can give you a strong leg up. Studying abroad shows prospective employers that you are a go-getter, with a broad world view, and a multicultural perspective. They will see you as someone willing to take necessary risks to expand potential, and able to adapt and problem-solve in unfamiliar situations.

4. I can’t go if I don’t know the language

Learning is a universal language, wouldn’t you say? Having said that, it is important to know and meet the language requirements for the courses and universities you are considering. Also, while you needn’t be fluent, people will appreciate you at least making the effort to communicate with them in their own language. This isn’t hard. You will find several language apps that make it easy to learn a few basic phrases.

5. It's too expensive to be worth it

Instead of thinking about it as an expense, think about it as an investment in your future self! You will gain far more from the experience than can be calculated by monetary expense. However, we absolutely understand the financial stress, and our education loans for abroad studies are tailor-made to suit your needs.

And there you have it – all those myths you think will stop you, busted! It’s easy to scare yourself away from new experiences by thinking of all that can go wrong. A slight shift in perspective, however, and all those hurdles you think exist melt away and are replaced with opportunities instead.