Education loans make it easy to fund your education without having to dip into your finances immediately. Our calculator estimates how much you may save by availing an education loan from Credila.
Education Loan vs. Self Finance CalculatorReset
Simply enter some numbers and we’ll tell you your potential savings.
Loan Details
Your Investments
Investment Type | Debt Mutual Funds | Soverign Gold Bonds | Equity Oriented Hybrid Mutual Funds | Equity Oriented Mutual Funds | Own Business |
Asset Allocation % | |||||
Expected Return % |
Investment Type | Asset Allocation % | Expected Return % |
Debt Mutual Funds | ||
Gold Soverign Gold Bonds | ||
Equity Oriented Hybrid Mutual Funds | ||
Equity Oriented Mutual Funds | ||
Own Business |
*These are tentative calculations, Click here to read more details on this calculator
*rel="noopener noreferrer"View details of section 80E of Income Tax Act, 1961
Why choose Credila education loans?
Attractive tax benefits that help you save
Get tax deductions on your entire interest amount, bringing down the overall cost of education. Tax benefits that your parents may also be able to avail.
Take care of more than your tuition
Education loans that offer up to 100% finance, covering tuition fees and living expenses.
Tax efficient disbursements
Pay only 0.5% Tax Collected at Source (TCS) on foreign disbursements, leaving you with more cash-in-hand to help achieve your goals.
Flexible repayment schedules with up to 15-year tenures
Customisable EMI plans which align with your financial goals.
Sanction before admission
Benefit from seamless loan sanctions.
An opportunity to build your credit score.
Education loans lay the foundation for all your future financial needs.